
Writing for Lodge Education

RoughAshlar - Posted on 29 December 2009

A few months ago the WM of my lodge asked me to put together an education piece for the lodge, no topic provided of course, but whatever I wish to talk about.  Now Im a bit of a fanatic for the craft, read all I can, take all the work that comes to me and spend countless hours memorizing the work for the oratory must be flawless or as close to as I can get!

For my topic I chose something that could well be an entire book, or certainly a large research paper.  That being said, and as it has turned out for me.  Expressing a concept which is I believe is not conveyable, it rightly gets stuck at the end of the pen!  Now when I give you the title of this paper you will perhaps understand where I am coming from on this.  A page and a half in, getting to the meat of things, and the thoughts and knowledge that are there simple will not come forth!

I've titled the paper, Secrets and Mysteries: Presence and Purpose of Symbols in Masonry.  The first part of the paper was quite easy to get out, as it focuses on asking the necessary questions and setting the concept of the Secrets of the craft. The Mysteries however, are elusive they can not be found literally in the work but in a personal understanding and as such are personal and cause writers block!  The purpose of this post itself is no more than a vain attempt to work that block out!

So how to convey it? How best to describe the eventual understanding that comes with the study and meditation on the work?  I say eventual understanding because that is what it is. The eventual path to wisdom, the elusive and mysterious concept that Solomon was so blessed with.  It can only be gleamed at for short periods of lucidness until it feels we are worthy of its embrace.


There, I think that helped.  I can go back to writing the paper and see what flows forth, sometimes the best thing to work out writers block is to write something different about what is blocking you!

I would like to post the paper in full here when it is completed but at the same time, as a member of the Masonic Society, I feel I should first submit it to the Journal for printing, but should it not be accepted It will certainly find its way here!

Id love to see some discussion on this, maybe we should start a forum thread on it?

ah jayne...why did I mention why did you say it ...I just meant what is the relevance? Admin should we not give her another chance....she does mean well... BB this is a very difficult question. Could you maybe give us a time line of when it all occurred...or are there multiple time lines. I know...it was nightengale who changed the way patients were treated by creation of her theory about hygiene. She is the mother of nursing and she is also the mother of "Infection Control" which has saved millions of lives. The president would be Abraham Lincoln the 16th president. Nightengale developed her belief's while watchin men die from the infection after the amputation. Love Red


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